Though hair loss has been an annoyance to thousands of people for years, there is at present not much reliable medication to cure the problem. Hair transplant is considered to have permanent effects, while medical treatment must be continually administered to delay falling of hair.
Also, upon cessation of medical treatment, hair will start to fall again. Before using any kind of medication, please consult your doctor or contact our center’s medical professionals.
Prescription Oral Medication
Finasteride (Propecia TM ) was approved for sale by FDA in 1997 and has registered with the Health Department in Hong Kong as prescription oral medication for treating male pattern baldness. It can reduce the level of DHT in the scalp and prevent DHT formation, so that further hair loss is delayed and new hair starts to grow. It is effective for hair loss at the crown but not quite useful for reconstructing hairline and treating temporal baldness.
A survey extending over 5 years shows that about 90% of the men taking Propecia TM indicate that their hair loss problem has been great improved, while 65% of them have hair growing out again but about less than 2% of the drug takers experienced diminishing interest in sex or even impotence. Upon cessation of taking Propecia TM, the undesirable side-effects soon vanish, but hair begins to fall again.
Caution: Women who are pregnant or nursing should avoid coming into contact with this kind of drugs, since Finasteride may lead to abnormal development of male sex organs in babies.
Under the laws of Hong Kong, use of Propecia TM requires registered physician’s prescription. Sales o f Propecia TM through the internet, as well other channel, without doctors’ prescription is illegal. Purchases at greatly reduced prices may run the risk of acquiring counterfeit drugs.
Medication for External Use
Minoxidil (Regaine TM) is approved by the FDA for external use and has registered with the Hong Kong Health Department under two different formulae (i.e. 5% and 2 % concentration) which are suitable for both men and women. Though we do not fully understand the pharmacological actions of Minoxidil, its effectiveness of accelerating hair growth and reactivating miniaturized follicles is well known.
Minoxidil should be applied to the scalp each morning and night for 4-6 weeks so that effects become observable. Side effects are minimal as only a few users suffered from allergy and itching feelings. Oral intake of this drug is possible for some people (but not everyone) and proves to be even more effective than external use. Upon cessation of use, hair loss will return to the level before medical treatment and the newly grown hair will fall.
Consult doctors before taking any medication. Inappropriate use of drugs may lead to opposing results or unexpected side effects. It would be wise to get expert advice from doctors before using any kinds of drugs.